Ftp Set Up Instructions for Apple Macs

Here are instructions on downloading, configuring and using FileZilla FTP to upload schools print orders to us.

Important:You can use any FTP client of your choice. We recommend Filezilla as it is free to download, robust and easy to use. However FileZilla is not a product related to or affiliated with One Vision Imaging in any way. One Vision Imaging takes no responsibilty for changes made to your system by the installation of FileZilla's software, nor can we provide technical support if you experience difficulties installing it.

FileZilla's support page for technical difficulties can be found here: Filezilla Support.

The first step is to install FileZilla, this program will allow you to connect to our FTP server and upload images to us. Click on the button below to download the FileZilla FTP program (Mac OSX 10.13.2 or newer required):

Download FileZilla FTP Client MAC 1

You can either double click on the file in your download box or click on the download button in the corner:

MAC 2 Arrow

It will then begin to unarchive and install the FileZilla FTP program:

MAC 3 Arrow

By default it installs the program in your Downloads folder. You can keep in this folder or drag and drop into your Applications folder, like so:

MAC 4 Arrow

You have now successfully installed FileZilla FTP! It should now run by just double clicking on the icon.

Once FileZilla FTP has opened, click on File > Site Manager:

MAC 5 Arrow

Click on New Site and enter ‘One Vision’:

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You now need to input One Visions FTP details including your username and password. Both username and password were sent to you via email or given to you by our Customer Service team. Please avoid copying and pasting the username and password, it can often include a space after it which is treated as a character.

Protocol:(Leave as default)
Host:ftp.onevisionimaging.com Port:(Leave Blank)
Encryption:Only use plain FTP

Login Type:Normal
User:Enter your Username that was sent via email e.g. 10001001
Password:Enter the password that was sent via email
MAC 7 Arrow

Click Connect:


By now you should have installed and configured FileZilla FTP. The next and final step is to upload your files to us. Once connected Filezilla may look something like this:

MAC 9 Arrow

The next step is to locate the files on your computer and upload them. The large empty box on the left is your computer and on the right is our FTP Server. Please locate the files or folders you wish to send us and drag them over to the right hand side - by doing this you are sending your images to us! Your pictures are usually located within the Users folder:

For schools images, you must make sure your images are in their correct year, class and child folders where required. If you are not sure please see our help guides here. As images sent the wrong way will require re-uploading.

MAC 10 Arrow

Once transferred your files will appear in the window to the right of the screen (this is your folder on our secure server here at One Vision). All that is left to do is fill out an order form.

Order Forms

Important: If you do not correctly complete an order form, your order will not be processed.

For Schools Orders, complete your order online here after your images have finished uploading.

For non Schools related orders, download our order forms here: onevisionimaging.com/downloads. Once completed upload them into the same folder as your images on the FTP.


You will receive an email from our Customer Service team when they begin processing your order (this usually happens within one working day of receipt of your complete order form and files). Once your order has been processed your images will be deleted from our FTP server so when you next login you will see an empty folder.